Now that I have settled into the school year, I am able to post a Five for Friday. Yeah!
Here's my first grandchild! We don't know yet if the baby is a girl or a boy, but we are excited. Having had 2 previous miscarriages, we are thrilled my daughter has made it to 15 weeks this time.
Last Sunday, I was able to finish making a Math Center to help my students practice making numbers in different ways. I used a football theme since many of my students love watching football right now.

If you would like to look at this Center,click HERE.
My husband and I celebrated our 26th Anniversary this week (on the 22nd). I took today Friday off and we are heading to St.Augustine for a long weekend, We love staying at the World of Golf Renaissance Resort. The golf course there is beautiful!
This was our Conference Week. I met with most of the parents. Here is a Conference Reminder form I made. It is free. If you would like to download it, just click HERE.