
August 8, 2015

July 29, 2015

July 28, 2015

July 23, 2015

Listen to your dreams.
Follow your heart.
Do what you love.
Enjoy life.
And expect miracles.

(found on flowingwithchange.com)

July 22, 2015
For the first quote in this section, I wanted to choose one that has meaning for me every day. We recently remodeled and redecorated our home. We have a small hallway area between my children's old bedrooms. I made this area into a family photo gallery. I found this quote a couple months ago and thought it would be perfect.
This quote is from Dr.Seuss.

My mother passed away on November 13, 2013. She collapsed on October 13th and spent a month in Intensive Care. I am grateful for that time I could spend with her. This quote makes me remember the last time I saw her before her collapse and how special that mundane day became once she was gone.

It reminds me to value each time I see my loved ones no matter what we are doing. My memories and photographs comfort me which is why I created this area. Here is a larger picture of this quote hanging on one of the walls.
This quote definitely applies to school as well. You never know how valuable a moment in class may be to a student. Maybe that is the best moment that child has had in a long time? Maybe that moment changed the course of his/her life? I had an excellent Kindergarten teacher and it was then I decided to become a teacher. I never changed my mind and knew that was what I was supposed to do.

Each moment is valuable.

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