We are starting our Science Unit on Rocks & Soil next week. I created this page to send home and have the children collect rocks for us to examine and sort in class.
You can click HERE for a free copy.

I created this Math Center to help my Second Graders with the concept of using 10 to subtract. I laminated the cards so the children can write on them You can click HERE to look at this Center.
Our "Career Collages"
We finished our Social Studies Unit on Goods and Services. To end our unit, the children created Career Collages at home and presented them to the class. They had a rubric to follow in order to get a good grade. They had to state what career they would like to have when they grow up. They needed at least three pictures or drawings of people performing that career. They had to describe the career and state whether people in that career produced a good or provided a service (or both). Here are a few of their posters. They did a great job!
I have been letting the students have their own Checklists for the past week during our Math Block. It has really helped many of my students who had been very unfocused. They were having trouble remembering what to do while I was working with my small groups. They were interrupting me a lot. It has also helped us to be sure everyone gets their time in on our iReady computer program each week. I made different Checklists for each day of the week. It took about 3 hours to figure this out, print the lists and laminate them. However, they have been very effective for my class. Here is what they look like:
I printed them on a different color paper for each day of the week so I can keep them organized. There is room at the top for 2 names. The kids in both of my Math Blocks are sharing the cards. This way I only had to make one set.
Food for Thought:

You never know what someone else may be going through. A small kindness may just help get them through the day.
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